Muskoka Real Estate April 2009 Statistics

August 13, 2018

Spring is here, snow is finally gone and the trees are budding. This month we have seen a rise of 1.8% in the average residential sale price now at $208,748 from $205,145. It seems we are also catching up slightly with the total number of sales for this year versus last with a drop from 38% fewer sales ytd in March 09, now in April we see only a 35% difference. The buzz has returned to office after a fairly quite January/February; many agents are busy with adding new listings and dealing with buyers.

With all the doom and gloom in the news, there's never been a better time to invest or upgrade in real estate. Take a home worth $200,000, we have realized an approximate 10% decline in the market so today this home is worth $180,000, that's a loss of $20,000. But let's look at upgrading to a home worth $300,000, if you apply the same 10%, you end up saving $30,000. You gain $10,000!!!